Food and Fuel
Westmor Industries LLC
TrueNorth Steel is the preferred supplier to Westmor Industries for all underground fuel storage tank solutions.
Truenorth steel solution and products used in application:
1 – 30,000 gallon 10’x53’, 4 compartment Plasteel tank was provided by TrueNorth Steel. Due to the weight of the tank, the length of the tank, and it was TrueNorth Steel’s first tank of this size, it was important to coordinate with our internal logistics company and the site workers to ensure that the tank was handled with caution. Our onsite sales representative was able to assist the crane operator on proper rigging to lift the tank from the truck and to its final position in the hole to ensure no damage happened.This is the fourth Plasteel tank purchased from TrueNorth Steel by this owner as he was pleased with the ease of working with the team at TrueNorth Steel, the onsite assistance, and our logistics abilities