Urea Plant – Conveyor Galleries

Urea plant – conveyor galleries
Location | Beulah, ND |
300 Tons |
SCOPE | Galleries, Conveyors |
Part of the DGC/BEPC Urea Fertilizer plant project. The 300-ton conveyor tube galleries were fabricated for the material handling portion of the Urea Fertilizer plant to a storage building and then on to a loadout facility. TrueNorth Steel fabricated the tube galleries outer shell and with our partners, who fabricated the conveyor sections and stainless steel chutes for transfer of the fertilizer material. The conveyor sections were installed by TrueNorth Steel in the shells to help with the erection in the field. One tube gallery was spray foam insulated and cladded with a corrugated aluminum cladding, while the other was finish painted exterior. TrueNorth Steel also fabricated the large bent supports to support the galleries between the buildings.