On August 14, 2024, the Theodore Roosevelt Presidential Library reached a significant milestone with its topping out ceremony in Medora, North Dakota. This event marked the completion of the structural framework, a momentous occasion not only for the project but also...
TrueNorth Steel’s Daylen Boarders Presents at This Year’s LPESA Virtual Showcase
Daylen Borders, TrueNorth Steel’s Territory Sales Manager for Texas and Louisiana, will be delivering a keynote presentation at the 2023 Louisiana Parish Engineers and Supervisor’s Association’s Virtual Showcase. Daylen’s presentation will introduce modular steel,...
TrueNorth Steel Corporate Headquarters Ribbon Cutting Held
On September 29th, 2022, TrueNorth Steel held a ribbon cutting ceremony in partnership with the Fargo Moorhead West Fargo Chamber of Commerce to celebrate the completion of the new corporate headquarters building at 4401 West Main Ave, Fargo, ND. This event also...
Live Webinar Series Continues June 1 & 2—Featuring the Advantages of Modular Steel Bridges in the Central US
TrueNorth Steel’s resident bridge product experts are slated to present the advantages of modular bridges during two upcoming live webinar events on June 1 & 2, 2022—each session free to all who register to attend. The June 1 session will focus more specifically...
TrueNorth Steel to Exhibit at 2022 NACE Conference
TrueNorth Steel is excited to announce plans to exhibit at the upcoming 2022 National Association of County Engineers (NACE) Annual Conference. The National Association of County Engineers is a nonprofit, nonpartisan professional association, serving as the voice of...
TrueNorth Steel to Host SteelDay Event in Fargo, ND on September 27
In celebration of the U.S. structural steel industry, you’re invited to visit, tour, and interact with TrueNorth Steel at their Main Avenue location in Fargo, ND as we host a SteelDay event on Friday, September 27, 2019! Championed by the American...